Somatics | Expressive Arts |
Women’s Circle

Embodied path for the Awakening Woman

I support women on their unique journeys of healing, transformation and embodiment.

Through somatic therapy, hands-on therapeutic touch, movement therapy, and expressive arts

I support women to feel safe, nourished and free in their bodies, to awaken their power, their voices, their aliveness and discover and live their most authentic lives.

Hi I’m Tatiana! I’m so glad you’re here


A Winter Solstice Somatic Sound Journey

Oasis Women’s Circle Winter Solstice Series

 The feminine path of embodiment is one of inclusion, reparation and unification. Healing is catalyzed not by transcendence, but by descending and embracing every part of our felt experience and the full spectrum of our humanity.

A woman’s path to power is a descent
Down into the shadows where all the rejected and abandoned places wait to be loved.  
She gathers them into her arms.  

 A woman’s path to power is a call inward to her body,
Once desecrated by criticism, blame and anger
Now exalted and made holy by reverence. 
She remembers what it is to honour the flesh as the temple of the spirit 
And she shines with her own self love. 

A woman’s path to power calls her to unplug from the need for the approval of others
She becomes a Self- referenced woman, a Sovereign woman, a Vertical woman  
She trusts the choices she is called to make
Even though few may understand
She walks her own authentic path with courage and commitment.  

 A woman’s path to power unites heaven and earth 
And she sits on the throne of her being
In wholeness of 
Dark and Light 
Spirit and Flesh 
Human and Divine.


  • Somatic Therapy / therapeutic movement

    I work as a somatic and movement therapist, energy healer and intuitive counsellor to support women to come down into their bodies, resolve traumas, constrictions and deeply feel themselves from the inside.

  • Expressive Arts

    Through singing, poetry, song-writing, dance and story telling I support women to come into their bodies and awaken their full self expression.

    Our voices, and our bodies are waiting to be uncontained and liberated from centuries of oppression and smallness. We can resolve the constrictions somatically and begin to embody and reclaim our creative power as women.

  • Oasis Women's Circle

    Oasis Women's Circles are a place for women to rest, replenish, nourish and heal in a loving field of feminine energy; an oasis in the midst of our busy and fast paced world to slow down and allow our bodies the space to unwind and co-regulate.

    Together we will explore simple somatic and embodiment practices designed to regulate our nervous systems and receive the support and connection of other women.

    This month we explore the themes of darkness, stillness and deep yin as we move towards winter solstice.

    The next Oasis Women’s Circle begins December 13th, 2023 from 10:00 - 11:30 am PT. Reach out to register or for more information.


  • With Tatiana’s facilitation, I was able to tap into my body like with no other practice I have tried. Through her guidance and music and complete embrace I felt more ease and more safe than ever before to tap in to calm and peace inside . I highly recommend her work to anyone.

    Korena Bergen

  • I had the privilege of being in one of Tatiana’s first Oasis Women’s Circle and it’s hard to fully express the profound awareness, shifts in perception, and a deep connection to my body that was created through such simple yet powerful practices. I finally came to trust the intelligence of my body. I learnt to listen to it and in my receptivity to be with it as it is, whether in stillness or movement, I met more of myself than ever before. I will forever be grateful and utilizing these practices on the daily to maintain such openness and connection. I’ve heard the things Tatiana speaks about a hundred times but her voice activates something deeper and her genuine nurturing presence let the words land like never before. Tatiana is a natural guide for such facilitation back to yourself and body and I am certain her work will bless you and change you. ✨✨✨

    Carmel Stoez

  • The art of love we explore and embody with Tatiana is full of alchemy and elemental healing. Through her soft feminine heart and voice she transmits love, which is already hidden in you, but blooms through the wounds and contractions being honored. Tatiana’s singing permeates your body, leaving it vibrating redemption songs.

    Hilkka Virtapohja

  • Tatiana holds a deep, healing and soothing space. Her guidance is loving and connected. I feel so soft and available and am still floating in the resourced waters of my being. She/Life is moving through her for REAL and blessing each one of us. ✨🙏🌹

    Keri Khalighi

  • Tatiana is the ultimate divine gift to anyone on a personal restorative journey. Her music, intuition, somatic training, and gentle spirit are a healing balm to the soul. I will always be grateful for her.

    Janice Clark

Get in touch.

You can reach me at
phone: 778 985 5343